Most raw food diet hummus recipes use sprouted garbanzo beans or nuts, but this raw vegan hummus recipe uses zucchini instead. The zucchini blends up nice and creamy, just like a soft and fluffy good quality traditional Middle Eastern hummus.
Before trying this adaptation of raw hummus, I'd completely given up on a raw and living hummus, as my several other attempts using everything from fermented sunflower seed cheese to cashews just weren't all that great, honestly. But this raw vegan hummus recipe using zucchini is a keeper! You do need to make sure you have a cold pressed olive oil and a suitably raw tahini on hand, if you want to make sure that this recipe is fully and 100% raw. Of course, if you're in doubt, you can also make your own tahini using nothing but plain raw sesame seeds and some olive oil (blend the sesame seeds with oil using a 5:1 ratio, so five parts sesame seeds and one part olive oil until smooth and creamy).
Make some easy raw vegan flax crackers in your dehydrator to use as dippers for your homemade raw hummus, or just use some chopped veggies. I like using celery, snow peas and red bell peppers for their crunch and color. Yum! This homemade raw hummus recipe is vegetarian, vegan, suitable for a raw food diet, and gluten-free.
- 1 zucchini, chopped
- 1/3 cup cold-pressed olive oil (or another neutral-tasting oil, such as flax oil or sunflower oil)
- 1/3 cup raw vegan tahini
- 3 cloves garlic
- 3 tablespoons fresh lemon or lime juice
- 1/4 teaspoon sea salt, or to taste
Steps to Make It
Combine all ingredients together in a blender or food processor until smooth and creamy.
Adjust seasonings to taste.
Recipe tip: You may want to add a little more or less lemon juice and cold-pressed oil to get the consistency right, but, bear in mind that the zucchini as a base will act differently than the chickpeas used in traditional hummus recipes, so the texture will be slightly different than regular hummus (but still plenty delicious, I promise!).
Like making homemade raw vegan treats? Here's a few more raw food recipes you might want to try:
- Homemade raw flax crackers in the dehydrator
- Raw vegan lotus and nori gourmet salad
- Raw food corn chips recipe
- Homemade raw chocolate
- Easy homemade raw frosting (yes, frosting!)
- How to Make Cultured Raw Nut Cheese