Stanislav Sorokin / Getty Images
I remember when I moved into my first apartment. I didn’t grow up using a dishwasher, so having one felt like a luxury — one I didn’t know how to use. The week I moved in, I foolishly put Dawn dish soap in the detergent dispenser, and minutes later my entire kitchen was filled with bubbles. Lesson learned: Don’t mess around when it comes to your dishwasher.
I like to think I’ve come a long way since I made that classic cleaning mistake. Not saying I never have to Google how to do something, but in my five years of writing about cleaning, I’ve developed a pretty reliable Spidey Sense. It’s served me well when I stumble across bogus cleaning trends, like one I recently saw on TikTok suggesting a creative method for using dishwasher detergent pods.
This Popular Dishwasher Hack Could Lead to Dirty Dishes
Recently, TikTok creators have been sharing a hack saying you should throw your dishwasher detergent pod into the bottom of the dishwasher or in the utensil caddy. Why, you ask? Some people found that their dishwasher pods were getting stuck in the dispenser, so most of the detergent wasn’t used.
To be honest, I see why you could fall for this one. I hate when I run a load, only to find my dishes aren’t properly cleaned. Throwing the pod at the bottom of the appliance seems like an easy solution, especially if the problem is your pod getting stuck and not fully releasing.
Luckily, this hack isn’t likely to harm your dishwasher (or fill your kitchen with bubbles). The reason not to do it is it just won’t work. Here’s why: Most dishwashers have a pre-rinse cycle, which involves spraying water on your dirty dishes before releasing soap into the appliance to wash them.
If you put a detergent pod in the bottom of the dishwasher, it’ll likely just dissolve and drain in the first part of the cycle — which means for the majority of the cycle, your dishes are only getting cleaned with water (not clean at all). You’d likely have to run the cycle again, which is a waste of water, soap, and time.
What To Do if Your Detergent Pods Are Getting Stuck in the Dispenser
If you’re wondering what you should do if your pods are getting stuck in the dispenser, you have a few options, and all of them involve limiting the pods’ contact with moisture. Most dishwasher pods’ packaging — and dishwasher instructions! — suggest keeping the pods completely dry, because water can cause them to stick.
Always wipe out the dispenser with a dry rag before putting a new pod inside of it. Make sure your hands are dry when you handle the pods, too, because even a tiny bit of moisture can be a problem, leading to less-than-clean dishes.
And if you’re still having issues with your dishwasher? Don’t hesitate to contact an appliance repair pro who can help you properly diagnose and solve the problem — without resorting to TikTok for potentially bogus solutions.